About Us

Starting a conversation with a stranger can sometimes be daunting. How do I let people know I'm approachable? What do I say? Maybe the other person is shy, reserved or an introvert, but would love to talk to you if invited to do so. Maybe you're the introvert. That's where my t-shirts come in. For example, one reads:

Which do you prefer
Tea or Coffee?

Most people on Earth like at least one of the two, so the other person could answer "Tea!", and that's the start of the conversation.

The text on the t-shirts covers a wide variety of topics which vary from humorous to thought-provoking. (Not too thought-provoking though, since I want people talking, not just thinking.)

Let's turn staring at mobile devices, awkward silences and missed opportunities into new human connections.


Copyright © 2023 by Michael Prolman. All rights reserved.